New Dragon and Phoenix flat sheet, duvet cover, and four pillowcases for 380RMB. Not bad! |
I have started to play a lot of Capture Go! on-line at
www.gokgs.com. I was turned on to the site two weeks or so ago when I spoke with my college adviser and dear friend, Professor John Elder. He has been playing
weichi for years. I forgot to ask him what his most recent rank is, but I think retirement has been generous to his game.
I am thoroughly amused by the accidental condescension of the KGS website that states:
Now you have learned enough about go to play a simpler version of [the Game of Go/WeiChi],
called "capture go." In capture go the two players play until one of
them has captured a stone. The first player to make a capture wins! In
real go, you keep playing after a capture, but for now let's just play
until a capture is made.
On the board below, you can play your
computer at capture go. The computer doesn't play very well, so after a
few tries you should be able to win. You can play as many times as you
want; once you think you really have capturing down pretty well, move on
to the next page of the tutorial.
I have not found it easy to win every time. I have definitely played my first 100 games by now, I would guess, but even if I get good at this tutorial, which shows you the last move and any place where you are in
打吃 (aka
atari [Japanese] or check [English]), when I play in real life there will be no computer to mark the stones thus.
The porch of the fancy tea place near my house in Changchun. |
Can you say, "Dork!" |
Lifting two white stones in defeat. |
These are not my own pictures, but were taken by a friend.
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